"They were one big fat fucking family."
I was on a Greyhound bus. I was going from Boise, Idaho to Portland, Oregon. I seen the fattest chick ever. So fucking disgusting dude. Anyway the whole family was fat. This lady was Mexican or something like that. She had like six Mexican kids. Two were boys and four were girls and they were all fat. They were one big fat fucking family. Mexican family. This lady was so fucking fat. I don't know if you've ever seen this but when they have an extremely large fat person on the Greyhound they have to take off part of the side of the bus. And then there's this hydraulic shit that comes out, you know what I mean. Like a platform. Dude they had to have like the fire department there. You know like EMS, an ambulance there and shit to supervise this shit. So we had to have a different lunch break. We had to eat the shit from the Greyhound station in case anything happened. Anyway so they hydraulic her ass fucking down and shit and dude she obviously cannot fit inside a regular size vehicle right so she had one of those big fat person Amigos and shit like that. Looked like a zero turn fucking lawn mower. Anyway they wheel her down. I was like, "no way. No fucking way." This big van pulled up with a trailer hitch at the back of it. And dude she didn't get in the van. She wheeled that zero turn shit to the back of the trailer hitch bro and they drove away. Oh God. It was the most fattest thing I've ever seen in my life. Fattest, disgusting, fucking shit. Wind blowing through her fat shit, Mexican mullet, you know what I mean. I bet she weighed close to a thousand pounds. She was like a big circus freak.