"If you find the girl with kaleidoscope eyes you're one more step closer to finding the meaning of life."

San Francisco. All the way from San Francisco. Today about one o'clock. It's all right. We finally found some kids to mingle with. Eh, eh, eh. Other then that not quite what I expected. We came from Nashville and it was pretty fun there. It was kinda cool in Nashville.
Pretty much this. Yes, we travel, hitchhike, train hop. Go from place to place. It's fun, real freedom. I don't like to conform to society. We have nothing else to do.

Wow, what have we learned? I've learned that there's so much more to learn. That's why we keep doing it. You know what I'm saying? I've learned everything but anger. Pretty much everything that you don't learn from school. Yeah. How to talk to people. How to talk to all types of people. How to have fun, how to have a good time.And not care what everyone else around you is thinking about it. I don't care what anybody else is thinking about me. I'm gonna be me no matter what. How to stay on your feet.
How to get out of New York City. Go to the west coast. Hopefully how to get to a southbound freeway to get back to San Francisco. New York's not our scene..
Not to worry. Just to have a good time. Life is short. You never know when it's going to end.
The meaning of life? There is no meaning. That's the meaning. Stop looking for the meaning. If you find the girl with kaleidoscope eyes you're one more step closer to finding the meaning of life. Stop looking for the meaning and just enjoy it. Find the girl with kaleidoscope eyes. There is not supposed to be a meaning or an answer. There's no answers really.
